Three-Phase Current and Three-Phase Motor Calculations
Electrical formulas for the voltage type "three-phase current" are often required.
To facilitate the process, we have expanded the "Online Calculator" section for
you with the formulas listed below.
S = V x I x √3
P = V x I x cos φ x √3
Q = V x I x sin φ x √3
cos φ = P / S
sin φ = Q / S
Measuring Units:
Apparent Power S = Kilovolt Ampere [KVA]
Active Power P = Kilowatt [kW]
Reactive Power Q = Kilovolt Ampere reactive [KVAr]
Voltage V = Volt [V]
Current I = Ampere [A]
cos φ no measuring unit
sin φ no measuring unit
√3 or 1,732 no measuring unit